
Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Progress Update on Census2Ged

I am not quite ready for a release yet, but the next release of my free program, census2ged, will have insane amounts of new functionality added. Since I'm so excited that it's starting to look like a real program, I thought I'd share some of what's to come.

If you'd like to read my previous posts about the program (which I programmed in python and have made available to anyone for free) you can check out the following links:
My first post about it. It goes over the basics and the functionality included in the first release.
My second post which details the new things I added in the second release.

Anyways, let's get to it! And, if you have any suggestions of things I should add before the actual release just let me know in the comments!

New and Improved GUI

That's right, it no longer has only two input fields!
Okay, so it still looks a little like the neglected lovechild of 90's design and Windows Vista, but we can ignore that for now. 
I completely changed the code of the GUI. Before I was using a module called easygui and now I'm using Tkinter, which offers me a lot more flexibility and hopefully by the actual release the aesthetics will be improved.

Multiple Countries

That's right! Not only have I finished the code for importing every US census supported by genscriber, but I'm also adding censuses/household records for Sweden and the UK!

Choose the Data That Makes it to Your Gedcom

Woohoo! Checkboxes now put you in control of the facts you want to include in your gedcom. Don't want to include that immigration year? You don't have to!

Things I Still Have To Do Before the Next Release

  • Make the program not break when the input fields that are required aren't filled
  • Make the checkboxes do things (right now you can check them but nothing changes)
  • Add boxes for custom tag input (So say you don't want race under personal description. You will be able to choose an alternate tag and my program will format it to comply with gedcom standards.) 
  • Add a Swedish household record and English census
  • Possibly accessibility features depending on how long they take to implement. If it looks like a big job that will be in the next release 

Things I Plan to Add in Future Releases

  • Even more censuses!
  • More customizability
  • Probably more things I can't think of right now.


  1. Replies
    1. smh Cate don't you have some cellular respiration notes to take?

  2. Replies
    1. True, I guess we will both ace the tests regardless of whether we pay attention or not anyways. Carry on.
