
My Programs

For the past 4 years, I have been teaching myself to program. Lately, I have been writing some tools to help other genealogists automate tasks. This is the page where you will find the tools. In 2018 I will go graduate high school and go to college for computer science. If you find any of these tools helpful I'd appreciate if you donated a few bucks to my PayPal. It motivates me to create more things and I'll need every dollar I can get once college starts!


Gigatrees Statistics to Excel Simple program for making keeping statistics on how your database grows over time easier. Read more about how to use it here.

Census2Ged: Converts transcriptions done in Genscriber for the 1900 U.S. census to full-featured gedcom files while preserving nuclear family relationships and most information within the census. Learn more about it in the following posts (in chronological order with newest being first):

  1. A Progress Update On Census2Ged
  2.  Census2Ged 2.0
  3. Census2Ged My New Program

Gedcom Mapper: This isn't really a full program, it's just a script I wrote for helping to make network graphs representing relationships between people based on shared events in gedcom files.

Genealogy Captioning: A word of warning, this one is buggy. I wrote it in python but eventually plan on rewriting it in Java which would probably be better suited for this. It allows you to add captions to the bottom of photos quickly and easily.

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