
Saturday, November 11, 2017

1931 Bethany Daisy: The Senior Class pt.1 (pg. 30-31)

This is part three of my ongoing series of pictures and transcriptions of the 1931 Bethany Daisy that belonged to my great grandma Frances Elsie Caroline Gustafson. This section includes the page "Senior Class History" as well as the first page of the senior photo section. Frances got notes from a significant portion of the students. Many students chose not to write their letters by their senior photograph, but instead by a photograph of them doing an activity they like, or they chose to use an entire blank sheet of paper for their note, so its entirely possible people who don't have notes showing yet will have them later on in the book.


IN THE fall of 1927 a group of Freshmen, drawn from 
different sections and different states, representing a 
variety of influences, and full of high aspirations, entered 
the portals of the institution which was to become their 
Alma Mater. Their abilities and accomplishments were 
not unique in themselves, but in each succeeding test 
they brought credit to the undergraduates. 
Either by chance or by some favorable situation, 
these four years have been perhaps the most profitable of 
any four years which old Bethania has experienced. During 
these years, the dream of that monument of music, the 
priceless contribution which the "Messiah" has given to 
Kansas and to mankind, has come true. Presser Hall has 
been built and completed. The chorus has reached new 
heights in its Kansas City triumphs as well as in its dedi- 
catory renditions in the new auditorium. We who have 
had the opportunity to be a part of this great chorus have 
felt the pulse of new life and greater growth. 
In the fields of intercollegiate competition new realms 
have been explored; championship athletic and debate 
teams have made Bethany a byword when these phases of 
attainment are mentioned 
It is impossible to evaluate the influence of teachers, 
friends, and the incomparable environment of Bethany 
College. But in these four years we have touched life at its 
best and profited by example. We have learned some- 
thing of interpretation of nature and mankind, of laws 
and institutions, of codes of conduct and taste, of beauty 
and faith, and of duty and labor. Truly give us the power 
and faith to say with the philosopher of old --
"I have loved no darkness, 
Sophisticated no truth. 
Nursed no delusion, 
Allowed no fear." 

Page 31

Carl Stensaas
Lindsborg, Kan. 
Alpha Sigma Nu, Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Kappa 
Delta, Zeta Phi Omega, "B" Club, Blue Dozen, 
Linnean Society of Science, Gospel Team, Stu- 
dent Council, Symphony Orchestra. 

Lorraine Stromquist
Longmont, Colo. 
Beta Chi Theta, Pi Kappa Delta, B. C. W., 
Opera, Manager of Debate and Oratory. 

Note from Lorraine Stormquist:
I've known you many
years and I'll always cherish
your (memory?)
Best of Luck,

Elvie M. Carlson
Jamestown, Kan. 
Pi Gamma Mu, B. C. W., Messiah Chorus,
Linnean Society of Science, Luther League, 
Smoky Hill Art Club.

Note from Elvie M. Carlson:
Dearest Frances: next year
You’ll be wearing things like
this. Honey, its not all sunshine-
its pretty hard to leave here after
being held so long. By the way,
never forget the signs etc. together
with the senior(?) ice cream. Come
back, Frances, + I won’t (fish?) you out
next time. Lots of good luck to you
always, dear + heaps of love,

Hilmer N. Larson
Lindsborg, Kan. 
Luther League, B. C. B. , Bethany Home and 
Foreign Missionary Society. 

Note from Hilmer N. Larson:
Jesus said, “Lo,
 I am with you
Always.” Cling
To Him and your
Joy will be lasting

Kenneth Tarnstrom
Lindsborg, Kan. 
Manual Training 
Gamma Kappa Alpha, "B" Club, Messiah 
Chorus, Mathematics Club. 

Doris Hedeen
Topeka, Kan. 
Sigma Alpha Iota, Pi Gamma Mu, B. C. W. , 
Luther League, Student Council, Missionary 
Society, Smoky Hill Art Club, Messiah Chorus. 

Note from Doris Hedeen:
Frances, I could tell you
barrels and barrels of
things, but you are in a
hurry so I’ll
say I have
counted it a real
pleasure to know
you. May you
have success and
happiness always

Margaret E. Sandzen
Lindsborg, Kan. 
Kappa Gamma Phi, Delta Phi Delta, Pi 
Gamma Mu, Messiah Chorus, Smoky Hill Art 
Club, B. C. W. 

Note from Margaret E. Sandzen:
Every best
wish to you,
Margaret S.

Arthur W. Nelson
Bishop Hill, Ill. 
Theta Chi Delta, Alpha Sigma Nu, Linnean 
Society of Science, Smoky Hill Art Club, Mathe- 
matics Club, B. C. B. , Student Council, Messiah 

Note from Arthur W. Nelson:
Greetings to the Dairy
Saleswoman. You sure are
stirring on that subject. Art.

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